Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sock Fest 2010!!!

My sweet cuz and I had a Sock Fest and Yarn Crawl down at the beach and I have a couple of pics to share.

Getting to the appointed rendezvous involved making a turn down an obscure unmarked road -- the best way to locate the proper turn is to use this landmark:

Within minutes, my cuz had established her knitting nest on the porch!

Of course, all knitter's approach the craft differently. I'm very strict about only having one big and one little project in process at all times. I'm afraid I will have a lot of Unfinished Objects (UFOs), if I let myself loose on a bunch of things at once. Cuz has no such fears -- in fact, she has at least three pairs of socks where only one sock is done. I can sort of understand taking a break in between because I do find it torturous to do the second sock as I've noted as recently as last week.

In honor of the occassion and because Halloween will be soon upon us, I chose to start the infamous Zombie BBQ socks:

As of right now, I'm 2/3 finished the first sock. So, that will get done this week...and then, the dreaded second sock will be upon me with a deadline looming, no less.

Our little yarn crawl took us to two yarn stores -- I bought just a little more yarn -- Just stuff to make quick scarves. My cup truly runneth over right now with yarn and I'm trying to take advantage of all opportunities to get caught up.

Once I got back from the Sock Fest, I set upon a mighty mountain of cooking. I'm trying a new approach this week -- I cooked everything for the whole week this afternoon. It took WAY longer than expected. But, I have two soups, an eggless egg salad, eggplant parm, cookies and a blueberry crunch ready for the week. I will hardly know what to pick from tomorrow! And, the kitchen is pretty well put back together.

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