Monday, September 13, 2010

Crimes Committed in the Name of Crochet

We are getting closer to the structure being built for the defense and preservation of the crimes that have been committed in the name of crochet.

Saturday night, we tackled the project of getting some bamboo poles to support the structure:

On one hand, we were fortunate that we came in contact with someone whose backyard is overgrown with bamboo and was glad to get rid of part of the "Ho Chi Mihn Trail". On the other hand, it was a lot more difficult (physically) than was anticipated and took a lot longer. We were running out of daylight at the end of the harvesting and our benefactor had to hold a flashlight up while SO lashed the bamboo down. I drove back home and had a few good chuckles over how my car looked with a bamboo snout. The bamboo came from almost an hour away so the ride back felt pretty long. But, at the end of the whole ordeal, we were glad that we got this part done.

In the meantime, I found time before it got rainy to put together the draft layout of the afghans on the shell:

I confess, even though this was kind of taxing physically, this was the fun part I've been looking forward to! Finally, I can start to see the realization of this vision a little better.

I would like to direct your attention to the small granny square piece in the lower right-hand corner -- that is actually one of four chair pads that SO rescued from an estate sale. I'm trying to work all of those in and really hoping that I get them mostly in the front.

The piece that looks bluish-grey towards the far right has a little story too. We were coming back from Arlington on a Sunday afternoon, feeling somewhat exhausted from a full day of crocheted item hunting the day before and stopped at a large yard sale. I ferreted this piece out of a pile -- the picture does not do it justice but it is HORRIBLE. I inquired about the price and I think the man said a dollar or fifty cents, but the smallest bill that either of us had was a twenty and I only had a nickel in my change purse. The guy took the nickel!!! I think this wound up being the least expensive piece we saved from doom.

Now, we are making the mad dash to get the abused crochet pieces onto the shell. It's fun -- a lot like quilt-making -- but time consuming. I'd estimate that we are at least 30% done now. All but one of the big pieces are I'm hoping that dealing with the smaller pieces will feel like rolling down hill...:-)

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