Thursday, March 10, 2011

My New Baby: Belladonna Yarns

So...the yarn line is out! And, I've sold some yarn already which was a great feeling.

And, now I have to get back to the wheel!!!

Here's something I did from last weekend that hasn't been tagged for sale yet:

It's very busy at work right now so I've been coming home very tired at night and have not had it in my to make more yarn. But, over the next few days, I should be able to get something done as we approach the weekend.

Today it's going to rain all day and it would be a perfect day to spin and watch old movies on TCM, BUT, I have a J-O-B to do.

In the meantime, I have a lot of wool that is going out to be cleaned and in about a month, I will be a dyeing fool. I did the math and it really pays for me to dye the wool myself. In the meantime, I'm at the mercy of others.

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