Sunday, December 19, 2010

You Better Watch Out...

You know who is coming to town!!!!

Who knew Santa liked to tool around on a chopper on Saturday nights in Baltimore? Take that, West Coast Chopper!

We braved the cold Saturday night to embrace a local tradition of going to see the lights on the homes of a short city block in downtown Baltimore on 34th Street. I'm not sure how many years this has been going on (I've gone for the last seven years), but it's really quite the scene. From Thanksgiving till New Years, this little street hosts thousands of people who walk the street to see the Christmas lights. It's hard to do it justice in the photos and there's no conveying the true ambiance, but this is pure Baltimore: kitschy, sentimental, and do it yourself. No money for Christmas lights? No problem -- build yourself a Christmas tree out of hubcaps or tin cans -- no problem for me -- after all, I'm the girl that has a crocheted tee pee!!

This year it was about 35 degrees out for the the outing -- no too bad-- and there were a group of Mennonites singing Christmas carols and a burrito truck.

I will have very exciting news in my next post...just in time for Christmas, but you better watch out, you better not pout...

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