Monday, December 13, 2010

Cookies Ka-Pow!

Presents, done.
Decorating, done (ok, that consisted of pulling out SO's wooden Xmas tree and hanging a wreath on the door).
Therefore, yesterday was dedicated to COOKIES.

This year we kept it simple -- just four good sturdy, but yummy types: Peanut Butter Balls, Lemon Bars, Chocolate Chips, and Iced Butter Cookies. Still, it takes all day and three people to pull it off, especially when there was a double batch of chocolate chip involved and the peanut butter balls seem to go on forever. But, of course, yours truly has a system for such things and I'd made the butter cookies the day before so they were perfectly ready to receive their icing and put together dinner in the slow cooker in the morning (Beef Burgundy -- pretty good).

And, I've decided that I may possibly be the world's worst food photographer. Frankly, it's the last thing I think of and I do it at the end of the whole process when I'm tired, but still I push myself to click the button because, afterall, Monday does come and there is need for a blog post. Now, onto the cookie pics --

First up, here are some peanut butter balls. Don't be fooled by the scant number. We made a big pile of these because, well, what is Xmas without chocolate and peanut butter?

Here are the Lemon Bars and some of the Chocolate Chips. This year and last, I used a recipe straight off the flour bag for the chocolate chips and I think they are as good as they come. Also, I treated us to some new cookie sheets a few weeks ago when they were on sale and it made life pretty nice.

Now, the Butter Cookies series of pictures featuring the festive designs of myself and my two cookie elves: SO and Daughter of SO.

These are my "creations". Personally, this proves I should stick to the cooking part. I believe these look like they were made by a first-grader or possibly kindergartner.

These are Daughter of SO's. I think they look very nice.

And, finally, we have SO's. Notice they are works of art. I fancy myself as his muse...:-)

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