Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Little Giftie

I'm sure it's my insane love of knitted objects that has me thoroughly convinced that everyone is dying to receive some little hand-crafted woolen item from me at some point. At the same time, I confess there's a sliver of my personality not inhabited by my obsession that realizes this isn't necessarily true.

However, as I said, it's a sliver and rarely wins out in the occassional discussion in my head regarding gift-giving and potential gifts to be given.

In my saner moments, I will often buffer the knitted gift by giving it with something else so if the person wasn't experiencing deep-longing for the knitted object, there's something else to fall back upon.

So, recently I've been thinking about pedicure socks -- this is where you make all of a sock until you get to the toe and leave off the toe. This way, the sock can be worn with a flip flop. And, I have a birthday gift to come up with, so I plunged into making a pair of pedicure socks. See below:

I know they look a little short, but they fit my big size 10 foot so I think it will be ok. These are made out of a chunky yarn and should be pretty warm and suitable for those fall pedicure excursions.

Now, I want a pair.

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