Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sit and Spin!!!

The knitting addiction rust that never sleeps...I've ordered a spinning wheel to spin my own yarn. Since my last blog post, I took a whole day spinning class in preparation for the wheel. I got more than I bargained for -- in a good way. The instructor started out with, "So, you've just shorn your sheep..." Yes, we started right from the point of washing the dirty fleece and progressed from there which included dying some fleece as well.

Here are a few snaps from the day:

Here we have some carded fleece ready to be spun -- nothing fancy.

Here is a little bit of yarn I spun from some fleece I already had. As you can see, it is a very bright green. The other women in the class kept pointing out how bright the color was. But, the bright green of my yarn went along with my bright purple toenail polish and hot pink flip flops, glitter on my shirt and Nine Inch Nails hoodie sweatshirt -- contrast that with the many shades of brown birkenstock shoes worn by my classmates and the cream colored yarn they were spinning.

Now, we are getting somewhere! This is the result of two different yarns I spun -- one the bright green in the previous photo and the other from some the fleece dyed in class. I call this Mint Chocolate Chip!

I was so excited after I got the yarn made that I immediately whipped out a pair of size 10 needles to knit with it. I didn't know I was supposed to learn how to put it into a skein...rats! But, I just couldn't wait. The other students looked at me like I was crazy, which I am...Now, as to the yarn, yes it's a little bit slubbed and not really supposed to be, but the good part is that I love slubbed yarn and in fact, ultimately, I want to spin lots of textured yarns.

Two more weeks before the wheel arrives. It's coming from New Zealand!

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