Monday, May 17, 2010

How to Do Boring Things

I know, I know, we should all be so grateful to have each day and for what we have...BUT, sometimes things are B-O-R-I-N-G. I believe this falls under the heading of "Human Nature".

Such is the case with embarking on what seems to be the most exciting project in THE WORLD and then after the initial splash, you have to settle down and start slogging away.

I really want to give a talking to that person who said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

Right now, I'm battling boredom with this project:

It's going to be a knitted blanket -- As you can see the squares look very quilt-like. But, man, this is slow going. One of these squares takes a lot longer than I expected. Maybe I will have a knitted blanket by Halloween for scary movie-watching.

So...I've made a number of large knitted projects and have come up with a couple of strategies for dealing with the in-between time. Here they are:

1. Alternate chunks of the tedious project with other things so that it stays fresh or
2. Do at least a small amount each day
3. Consider the project a meditation and decide it doesn't matter how long it takes.

I seem to like approach #1 for knitting the best.

I use #2 when I'm in total overwhelm mode.

#3 is for the worst of all: re-doing something, ripping something out and large cleaning projects.

So far, I've made two of these squares and now I'm on break finishing a sock before going back to make square three.

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