For a couple of months, I've been slowly working on a new project: a new blog that focuses on the making/using of "art yarn". I've got a lot of pieces in place including this sporty logo:

I've got a lot of ideas, notes, etc. scattered around and now time for me to really focus on getting this launched. It's exciting and scary (a lot of times those two seem to go together, right?) and I'm curious to see where it will lead me. Of course, a lot of the time, it crosses my mind that it might be an utter flop...but, so what? What would a flop be in this case? No one reads it but myself, SO and a few friends that will read it because they're good friends. And, the good part is, that would be enough to keep me going.
Spin Artiste is going to tell the stories about the artists making the beautiful yarns that I am completely in love with and hopefully there will be some good patterns and great "yarn porn".
I've got my work cut out for me over the next month as one of the most amazing fiber festivals in the country is at the beginning of May and happens to be in my own backyard. I'd like to be up and running with a post or two by then and a small readership thanks to my fiber-facebook buddies. It's highly doable...I know I will get it done.
This is the heavy lifting stage though so forgive me if I am not able to keep up with my twice weekly posts here!